After saying he snuffed up some of dads ashes, then denying it, now the oldest looking Rock and Roller in History says he did snort daddy’s ashes but didn’t mix the stuff with cocaine. Guess Keith didn’t want the authorities checking his luggage, what with $7 million riding on his tell all about the bullsht book deal coming out soon. Richards reportedly said,
The strangest thing I've tried to snort? My father. "The cocaine bit was rubbish," he said. "I said I chopped him up like cocaine, not with. "I pulled the lid off [my father's urn] and out comes a bit of dad on the dining room table," Richards continued. "I'm going, 'I can't use the brush and dustpan for this.”
Hey, sell the rest on EBay Keith. I know of at least one Rocker who would pay big bucks for some of that blow. Marilyn Manson is probably salivating over that sht. Call it Blowtox for old time Rock and Rollers. Mick would probably buy some to. Never waste good blow on ashes or is that don't waste good ashes on blow. I'm confused. Pass over that urn dear.
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