Kelly Clarkson reportedly told Blender Magazine she told Clive Davis the following, "I don't know you very well, and I am not a bull-shitter. I get [that] you don't like the album. You're 80; you're not supposed to like my album. I literally got told to my face that it wouldn't sell more than 600,000 copies. And I got lied to. One reason I don't like working with people at the label is that they lie . . . If you're going with the flow and not fighting, that's settling. I can't take that. Life is just too short to be a pushover."
I guess Kelly Clarkson is a little firebrand of a girl. Good for her. But Kelly remember that music icons tend to get a little cranky at 80. Don’t burn too many bridges to quickly in the music business. Not to many people like to work with young, un-proven Diva’s. You probably think you know everything already, which is fine, but as the old, older than 80 saying goes, You attract more bees with honey than with vinegar. Now go of to Amsterdam and chill out for a while. Make your next album from over there. I’m sure all the pot-heads would love it. With approximately 50 million or so Americans trying pot it would certainly equate to way more than 600,000 copies being sold.

Kelly's album, My December is doing ok, but not spectacular like Jessica Simpson's breasts. Now they are spectacular!
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