Kate Moss has reportedly left Petey Doherty after she found out he cheated on her with a South African model named Lindy. They reportedly had a huge fight and Kate couldn’t track the squzzy Pete down. The dirt bag Doherty reportedly picked up some extra pussy at a London club and was seen pussy footing around the model’s body and kissing her at a friends place. Moss reportedly heard about Pete’s philandering and took it hard. "Kate is a mess. She's trying to keep it together for Lila's sake, but she's been sobbing and wailing uncontrollably all weekend. She is supposed to be marrying him, so she's furious at the accusations of his cheating. It really is make or break," a source reportedly said. Doherty reportedly said, unconfirmed of course, Hey, I was only sniffing some crack, I wasn’t smoking the sht.
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