Reports that David Beckham is looking to return home sooner than later have been dashed by Victoria Beckham after she reportedly said, "We are going to be here a long time, this might be where we spend the rest of our lives." Shoot, I guess we have to put up with that un-smiling cow forever now.

Although she does try to smile, V.D. is still having a hard time. Her hand keeps getting in the way.

Here is David in a suit being welcomed by his new soccer ,(football), team. Goodness, he looks so much better in his nickers. Time will tell if Americans endorse this duo as much as Europeans have in the past. Soccer is just not as popular on this side of the ocean. But with a one hour T.V. reality show to start and all the sexy pictures of them, they have certainly got off to a splendid and lucrative start. As long as those football hooligans stay in Europe we will be able to put up with a few hours of boring guys chasing a ball around a field.
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