Live Earth, a concert for two billion people, reportedly fell short of expectations.
The concert in Johannesburg reportedly failed to sell out, while only 3,000 or so people watched in Shanghai and Australians seemed to be more interested in Wimbledon tennis than the Live Earth concert.
Madonna appeared at Wembley, where it cost approximately $110.00 for tickets. Reportedly there were many screw-ups and shty jokes too.

The idea of the Live Earth concerts, while a noble idea, seems more than a little self serving to me. The performers are some of the biggest polluters on mother earth. They fly all over the world in huge planes that spew enormous amounts of pollution into the atmosphere. Most of them drive big gas guzzling suv’s. A lot of them have investments in companies that have pollution records that could choke a bull dog. They seem to want their fans to pay for their bad ass habits so they can feel good about themselves. Oh well I guess if they manage to get a few trees planted it will be better than nothing.

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