Oh happy day, we all get to smell like Paula Abdul very soon. She is gonna release her new perfume any day now. I don’t particularly want to smell like 44 year old moth balls, but hey whatever tickles your ginny. Paula says Simon Cowell likes her new stink, but then maybe it’s his feminine side coming out of that old smelly British closet that holds all those high heels British men like so much. I can hear all the dogs howling now.
Paula reportedly said Simon Cowell would make for a very selfish lover because he’d wear condoms with the ribbed side on the inside. I think it’s really because he refused to share the heels.
Paula also has a reality show coming up soon too. Wow, we all get blessed watching her juggle her breasts, oops sorry, I mean juggle doing four projects at the same time. Maybe she will trip over something to add a little action to the show. But I’m afraid it’ll mostly be her treating all her assistants badly for leaving to much for her to do. After all that’s what assistants get paid for, doing all your work for you so you can get the big bucks for looking pretty in make-up.
Abdul also reportedly said “she wasn’t as short as she seems to be on T.V. I stand up for what I believe in“, she said. Albeit even if I stagger a little, I bet.
Paula also reportedly said it would be fun to do a show with the Space Cadets, or rather the Spice Girls. Yes I bet she would. They could call it the almost menopausal tour.
Paula also reportedly said,” I’ve never been drunk in my life“. Hmmmn, raises eyebrows.
“I’m an advocate against drugs and alcohol.” Hmmmn, raises eyebrows again. Against consuming too much no doubt.
Oh well, Paula keep that coke cup dry, the prescription drugs to a minimum, and you do look pretty stunning and quite sexy with all that make-up on.
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