Friday, May 18, 2007

Paris gets time off her sentence for good behaviour.

Seems the authorities in the U.S.A. have given Paris Hilton half off her sentence for showing up in court! The 26 year old vixen is working the system already. By the time she has to report to jail in June, I fully expect to see her sentence reduced even further, like maybe suspended.
Paris should move to Canada. You can rob and kill three people and seriously wound another and still get out of jail in 15 years in Canada. For Paris’s crime in Canada she would be singing for joy by now with only a paltry fine and maybe even a complete discharge of any criminal record because it might interfere with her prospects for getting a job.
So MS. Hilton, when you do get out of that mean old jail down there in that nasty old country of the U.S.A., we have a great need for immigrants here in Canada. I even have a spare room for you until you get back on your feet. Please excuse me now, I have to go shake these fantasies out of my head.
Yours Truly Dog:

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