Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Chef Stings Sting and Wife

The former chef of the Police front man Sting wins a lawsuit against him and his wife Trudy Styler. The couple were ordered to pay the chef approximately $50,000 in compensation after she won the claim of sexual discrimination against them. After the chef became pregnant, she alleged things got bad at her employer’s. The chef took some time off work with a stomach flu and then, allegedly Styler said, "Who the f*** does she think she is? She's my chef in the UK. She needs to be available if I need her, or she should rethink her position."

Ah, the egoes of the rich and famous. I guess they think they are royalty. Royal assholes is more like it. But then the case can be appealed so we can expect more dirty laundry yet to be soiled by those two, my sht don’t stink holes.


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