Sunday, July 29, 2007

PerezHilton Hits The Big Time, The New York Times

The Queen of all Media has hit the big time, The New York Times fashion that is. From exposing himself to a TMZ camera crew, to an appearance on the View, Nightline, and of course the huge disaster, Posh’s Coming to America T.V. boredom show, the chubby little guy from Miami has become a hugely successful celebrity. Perez tells The New York Times his rapid rise to fame has surprised him. He was quoted in The New York Times story on him the following,“I’m doing things on my own terms. I don’t have to answer to anyone but me.” It has taken wonder boy only 3 years to grow from a lonely blogger to the same heights as the celebs he so quickly trashes on his fabulous website,
The New York Times called Perez, “a childlike bear of a man“, with a “buffoonish appearance”, but also, “a hard-to-ignore Hollywood player“.
Perez is loved by blogger land. Well most of blogger land that is. Tyler Gray, a senior editor at admits to The Times he’s jealous of Perez’s on line (groupies) following. Mr Gray told The Times, “Perez Hilton obviously found a great formula. So did Robert Oppenheimer. It doesn’t mean it’s good for the public.”

Talk about sour grapes.
“I’m like Madonna , I’m not afraid to offend,” Perez reportedly said once.
Perez, as we all know trashes the best and worst of Hollywoods celebrities, but goes easy on his friend Paris Hilton. Without Paris Hilton’s name he would probably be just another blogger lost somewhere on the www trying to come up with a name to launch him into the stratosphere. I have no doubt he would have found it. Whether you believe he deserves all the fame, riches, and celebrity he has gained or not really doesn’t matter. Anyone who invades the Hollywood world and makes a famous place for themselves deserves every piece of the American dream they receive. Apple pie, money, fame, taking care of your family, pissing at the camera, well maybe not that one, taking what ever you can get. That is the American way, is it not? How could anyone denigrate a man for making it. Hey Perez, I am looking forward to catching your new show on VH1. If I can only get that Fking station here.


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