Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Star Jones

Star Jones, ex host of The View, admits her huge weight loss was because of gastric bypass surgery. Finally after much beating around the bush she now reveals to the public her struggles about losing weight and telling the truth about having surgery. Lie, lie, deny, deny, the celebrity way. Here is a sample of her reportedly self written article in Glamour mag:

“Lying was never an option for me, so I called it a “medical intervention,” which was true, but it was really a pathetic attempt to tell only the truth I could handle at the time.
First, I didn’t know if the surgery would work.
I actually thought that I could say, “None of your business,” and people would say, “OK, she wants to remain private.” If that isn’t evidence of someone not living in truth, I don’t know what is
But the complete truth is, I was scared of what people might think of me. I was afraid to be vulnerable, and ashamed at not being able to get myself under control without this procedure.
My therapist helped me discover I needed the adoration of others to feel good about myself.”


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