Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nicole Richie on Good Morning America

The skanky, skinny ass Simple Life nimrod Nicole Richie feels she’s well enough to appear on Good Morning America to be interviewed by Diane Sawyer. It will be reportedly aired on August 2nd and August 3rd . There will be lots to be asked of her, including her DUI charge, hopefully she will let us know if Madden’s sperm has impregnated her tiny little body, is she free from drugs and alcohol, she better be if she is preggers. After hiding out from the media, the Hollywood Ho-Hum is looking better and feels like she can now start to make some bucks. I wonder how much their paying that stinky ass skank to appear on T.V. Let me guess, $100,000, or maybe $200,000, or more? Yes, that sounds about right. It’s the celebrity motto, eat, drink, do drugs, drive intoxicated, get fixed up in rehab, secretly or splash your recovery all over the media, then negotiate a deal for a T.V. interview, show how sad and remorseful you are, then leave chuckling to yourself, go out to a fancy restaurant and spend some of the ill gotten useless interview money on food and drinks for your friends and have the last laugh at the idiots who run day-time television. And if you can’t take a little sarcasm then retire!

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