Friday, August 3, 2007

Lindsay Lohan's Career Finished?

The Hollywood steak knives are carving up Lindsay (Knife) Lohan and she’s bleeding badly. The Mean Girls fall from the top of the Hollywood hills down into Death Valley has reportedly killed her movie career. Her latest movie has flopped. Her drug and DUI arrests have chilled the movie money executives purse strings to the point where Lindsay would practically have to underwrite her own movies now.

According to EW here’s what some of the movers and shakers in Hollywood are saying,
''Her troubles are what made her famous,'' says one studio exec. ''Her films don't open. She's a pain to work with. I think she's done.''
''Her career was over long before she had these troubles,'' says a studio head. ''The media treat her like she's Will Smith or Tom Cruise, like she's some big star, but she simply isn't.''
''The rate at which she has fallen, and gotten back up, and fallen again, does not inspire confidence,'' says one producer. ''It's always challenging for a young actor to mature into an adult star. It takes great planning, sophistication, and judgment. She hasn't shown any of those things.''
''She had the world at her feet,'' says the head of a major studio. ''And right now, she'd have to pay a studio to get herself into a movie.''
Says another exec: ''I think she has to stay alive.''

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