Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Britney Spears

Britney Spears mom reportedly was quoted saying the following: "You go into a time in your life with the world watching and you are just trying to figure yourself out. It's sad that the whole world had to watch her make mistakes that all of us have made at one time or another."
"Britney Jean Spears is the sweetest and the most sensitive and loving of all my children. She’s just figuring things out."
Well Mom, maybe you could teach Brit how to enter and exit a car without showing everyone what she had for lunch! Or is she so hard up for attention that she has to act like Paris Hilton, while that flash-my-ass biotch is in hospital, er, I mean jail. Come on Britney, make some music and stop spreading your body parts all over the net like so much mouldy cheese. Or at least get in monster bad-ass shape, cause I keep losing my lunch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eweeee, Britney should change her name to moonie,lol or cratchet....