Monday, June 25, 2007

Paris Hilton Interview a No Go

Seems Barbara Walters didn’t want to interview Paris Hilton and ABC didn’t push to hard for the interview. Most of the celebrity interviewers seem to agree and refused to pay and then refused a free interview. I guess Larry’s contract with CNN forces him to do the interview with Paris Hilton. Or maybe CNN were willing to pay the most to interview the Beverly Hills no-talent, born again Christian, while the others were to ashamed to admit they chased her sluty ass around. Whatever, here’s what Babs had to say to Cindy Adams of the New York Post, Page Six, "Look, I've done prison interviews before, but people like the Menendez Brothers were really important news stories," said the First Lady of the Soundbites. "This wasn't. And even though I'd already written my questions, when all that pay-for-play stuff happened, I suddenly felt this was not up to my standard. It . . . felt . . . sort of . . . "
"Tawdry. The whole thing somehow was beneath me. Besides, it was a no-win. If I did a tough piece and her tears started to flow, it would be, 'Oh, there's Barbara Walters making people cry again.' Too soft, and I'd be criticized."
"They wanted it. For them it was ratings. For me it was respect. I'm fortunately at a point in my life where I can choose what I want, and this was solely my decision. But I must tell you how classy ABC was. They didn't try to force me or say they'd place it on "Nightline," or give it to someone else to do or any of the things they could have done.
They respected my decision and walked away.
"Some agreed with my decision, some didn't. For me it was just a question of respect."


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, is this really happening. Paris getting dissed by Babs. Babs seems to be getting a little cranky in her old age.

Anonymous said...

Barbara should retire.Or just interview people over 70.

Anonymous said...

t's such a tickety-boo site. imaginary, extraordinarily intriguing!!!


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